Remember this guy?
I started work on him some time last year. He stands at about six feet tall, so it's one of those projects that can easily get stuck on the back burner. In this case, the moon man was stuck in a corner collecting dust until he finally got knocked over, busting his paper clay face up pretty bad.
It was kind of a blessing in disguise, however. I had some epoxy-resin left over from another project, so I patched him right up, and now he's better than ever! While fixing him up, I have found a renewed interest in working on him. I bought some more epoxy resin, and now the moon man has a set of new and improved chompers.
Today I'll be working on the body while I wait for the face to dry. Keep posted for updates!
Wowee! I am anxious to see this guy!
Thanks Ginny! There's really no telling when he will be finished.
your face s are awesome....but you knew that! LOL...Hugs, Mica
Hey Lance I'm working on a moon project too, like minds....;)
Can't wait to see yours!!
He's been a long time in the making! Looking forward to his big debut.
Oooh I love the moon man and I'm eager to see when he is done. I love your lovely blog so fun and inspiring. Thank for stopping by my itsy bitsy spill and it's a pleasure to meet you!!
Hello Lance,
I am so glad he is getting worked on. Always loved this piece since you started it. I have a question for ya? Is his base paper clay? You can use E.R. on paperclay? What kind do you use cause I have a few disasters and I thought it was a lost cause. Oh teach me wise one....
So great!! Cant wait to see the finished piece.
I'm anxious to see where this one goes Lance!!! Keep us posted!!
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